
Watch Vatanim Sensin () Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Vatanim Sensin
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 8,1
  • Genres: Drama, Romance, History
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Summary Vatanim Sensin ()

Azize finds herself with her 3 children and mother-in-law in a difficult fight. She raises her children while fighting the difficulties of the war period and her husband's absence whom she loves more than anything. It's about war, love, greed, treason and sacrifice.

General Cevdet, once a Turkish General, got into a bad plot by the Turkish army, some kind of personal betrayal. He joins the Greek army as a General. People think that he's a traitor, however he actually works as an undercover General. An epic of conflicting patriotic emotional events versus family, friends, love and commitment.

Synopsis Vatanim Sensin ()

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Watch From Paris with Love (2010) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: From Paris with Love
  • Year: 2010
  • Duration: 1h 32m
  • Rating: 6,5
  • Genres: Action, Thriller, Crime
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Summary From Paris with Love (2010)

In Paris, a young employee in the office of the US Ambassador hooks up with an American spy looking to stop a terrorist attack in the city.

James Reece is an ambitious aide to the U.S. Ambassador in Paris, doing little jobs for the CIA and hoping to get into black ops. On the night he and his girlfriend, Caroline, become engaged, he's told to pick up Charlie Wax at Orly. Charlie is an unorthodox government employee - large, bald and bearded, foul-mouthed and eccentric. Charlie immediately takes James on a wild ride of murder and mayhem, through ethnic enclaves. As bodies pile up, the purpose remains opaque to James. Caroline, unhappy that James has been out of touch for a day, tells him to bring Charlie for dinner. Charlie can be charming - where will it lead? Does the chess-playing James have what it takes?

Aspiring to become a seasoned CIA operative, the personal aide to the U.S. ambassador in France, James Reese, is summoned to pick up the trigger-happy secret agent, Charlie Wax: his new partner. Against the backdrop of a dangerous and undisclosed mission in the bustling Parisian metropolis, suddenly, the death toll will start to rise, as Charlie prefers to shoot first and ask questions later. Now, in this adrenaline-charged roller-coaster, the stakes are high, and the enemy is everywhere. Is there room for two agents in the same city? In the end, is this the life James truly wants?

The assistant of the American Ambassador in Paris James Reece is an aspirant spy working in minor jobs for the CIA. James lives with his fiancée Caroline and expects to be promoted to the special operations. When James is assigned to drive the unconventional but efficient agent Charlie Wax in Paris, James learns that a terrorist cell is preparing to attack the American delegation and he is close to the key element that will explode the group of representatives of his government.

Synopsis From Paris with Love (2010)

The movie opens with James Reece (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) driving through the streets of Paris in a black SUV to work. Reece works in the American Embassy as an aide to Ambassador Bennington (Richard Durden), the U.S. Ambassador to France. Taking a delivery of some forms from the Ambassador's secretary, he goes over Bennington's itinerary for the next few days, centering around a major summit in which the U.S., France, and several other nations are preparing foreign aid to the African continent. Bennington shows that he is more absorbed right now in a chess game he's playing with Reece during all this time. Despite paying less attention to the board and the game than Bennington is, Reece quickly checkmates him to win.

Reece receives a call from an unknown source (voiced by David Gasman) directing him to a silver BMW in the parking lot, excusing himself with a cover story to Bennington that he has to review the Summit's planned seating arrangement. Going to the parking lot, Reece opens a code-locked security compartment in the trunk of his SUV to reveal a firearm and several French license plates. He removes the license plate from the silver BMW and replaces it with one of the plates he has stowed away in his SUV. He then moves his SUV to another parking space and waits there, watching the silver BMW. He watches several men get into the vehicle, put a briefcase into its trunk, and drive away.

Arriving home, Reece gets another call from the same source. Reece is in fact a CIA operative working in the Embassy as a cover. He does minor jobs for his superiors, and is eager to move up into Special Ops. His superior assures him he'll get his chance, but for now he is needed to secure a hidden transmission chip in the French Foreign Minister's office during a meeting with Ambassador Bennington. Reece doesn't believe he was given a chip, but is told it's in his left jacket pocket. Checking his jacket, he finds the chip there.

Sitting in his apartment, Reece examines the chip. He is interrupted by a knock on his door. It's his girlfriend, Caroline (Kasia Smutnak) (pronounced Cah-roll-een'). Caroline kisses Reece and tells him she has a surprise. She sits him in a chair and makes him keep his back to her. He can hear her undressing and changing into a different outfit. When she tells him to look, his jaw drops at the sight of her wearing a sexy strapless dress. He thinks he recognizes the fabric, and Caroline tells him she made it out of their bedroom curtains-- Caroline is a clothing designer. The two of them quickly start to undress as they head into the bedroom to make out.

Reece arrives the next day at the conference site to give Bennington a summary of what is intended to be discussed at the meeting. Bennington invites Reece to attend the meeting with him.

During the meeting, Reece discreetly takes the chip (disguising it by putting a piece of gum in his mouth and offering another piece to the Minister's secretary) and tries to put it under the lampstand beside his seat, using his chewing gum as an adhesive. However, the gum fails to hold and twice it falls back to the floor in plain sight. Frustrated, and barely managing to keep the chip hidden, as a diversion Reece finally questions the Foreign Minister (Eric Godon) about his having several Goyas in his office. The Minister says he does, and offers to show them to Bennington, who is very interested in Goya art. As Bennington accompanies the Minister and secretary to see the Goyas, leaving Reece alone in the meeting room, Reece takes the stapler from the Minister's desk and staples the chip to the underside of the desk... but accidentally leaves the stapler open as he exits.

Arriving home that evening, Reece is disquieted as the lights in the hallway go out. He finds what looks like a trail of blood leading to a door out onto the roof of the building. Grabbing a broom left in the hallway, he goes out to confront whoever left the trail. Caroline jumps, startled, and then chuckles sheepishly, remembering that she spilled a lot of tomato sauce from the take-out meal she's brought home for them to dine on out on the roof. Caroline kisses Reece and then says she has a gift for him. It's a jewelry box for a ring.

They are again interrupted by another call from Reece's CIA superior. He's impressed at Reece's success in planting the mike in the Foreign Minister's office, and is giving him another task on very short notice. Reece is being assigned a partner, an American operative named Charlie Wax. Reece is not certified for special ops but he is assured that he will mostly be just driving Wax around. Wax is being held by French customs and Reece's first task is to get him through. He needs to head to the airport immediately. Reece is briefly hesitant, because this will ruin his evening with Caroline, but he is told that if he succeeds at this task, he has his foot in the door toward Special Ops.

Caroline, who knows a few basics about Reece's line of work, is excited at hearing he's ready for promotion, and has him open the box. It's a beautiful pewter band that Caroline says belonged to her father. Reece realizes to his amazement that Caroline is proposing to him. She tells him that if she waited for him to do it, then their engagement would never happen. As she slips it onto his finger, Reece kisses the ring and then kisses Caroline, promising he'll never take the ring off.

Arriving at airport customs, Reece is disturbed at the sight of Wax (John Travolta) arguing with the head customs agent. The customs officer speaking to Reece shows him Wax's passport, asking him to solve the issue before they lock Wax up. Customs is rigidly refusing to allow Wax to bring several cans of his favorite energy drink through Customs, sticking to a zero-tolerance policy on foreign liquids. Reece is frustrated at Wax's brazen attempt to push the customs officials' buttons by frequent use of the F-bomb and mocking France's relations with the United States.

Reece takes Wax aside and tries to reason with him. Wax just shows him a card for a Chinese restaurant (Reece recognizes it and says the restaurant is only mediocre, but Wax says it's his destination), and says if Reece can't get him through, with his cans, he'll call the Embassy and ask for a different driver who will do things his way.

Seeing that Wax and customs are at an immovable impasse, Reece finally slaps a Diplomatic Mail sticker on Wax's duffel bag, thus rendering Wax's possessions legally exempt under international law from all customs actions. Wax chuckles smugly as Reece leads him away, past the fuming customs officials.

Driving Wax toward the restaurant, Reece questions Wax on his attitude. Wax concedes that he is simply scornful of customs as being 'self-righteous' and that he can get an energy drink very similar to the cans he brought, in any French supermarket. What those drinks don't have, that his does, Wax says, is his 'secret ingredient.' He breaks the cans open to reveal the disassembled components of Wax's custom firearm. Reece is authorized to supply Wax with any firearm he desires, but as Wax says, nothing like his, a weapon he affectionately calls, 'Mrs. Jones.'

Reece and Wax are at the Lotus des Neiges restaurant (Snowy Lotus in French), having dinner. Reece is trying to explain (much to Wax's amusement) how most "Chinese food" is actually American in origin, particularly Wax's seemingly favorite dish, egg foo yung. Wax calls a waiter over to verify Reece's claim that the Chinese word for egg is 'dan.' The waiter says he was born and raised in Belgium and doesn't speak Mandarin.

Suddenly Wax slams the waiter's head down on the table and holds him at gunpoint, saying "Let's talk dessert then, a Pakistani-Chinese dish." The waiter is in shock and terror and completely confused. Wax suddenly clarifies, "something you sniff off a spoon, buy by the kilo." It's clear he suspects the restaurant as a front for cocaine distribution.

At this point a huge shootout erupts, every employee of the restaurant turns out to be carrying firearms. Wax takes them all out in a scene that would make James Bond jealous-- all while keeping control of the lone waiter via his scarf. The restaurant cleared, Wax again pushes the waiter's head down on a table and demands to know where their 'blow' is. Despite Wax's continued insistence, the still-terrified waiter continues to insist there is none and the restaurant doesn't supply it.

Wax slowly glances up at the ceiling, grabs an automatic firearm and fires a large number of rounds straight into the ceiling. Within seconds, a cascade of white powder is falling into the room from the room above. Wax tells Reece to empty a nearby vase and fill it with the cocaine. Wax also lets a bit of it fall on his fingers and tastes it, saying that it tastes pure enough that this restaurant's supply is only a step or two removed from the people who do the actual preparation of the drug. Wax finally tells the waiter that he is letting him go to deliver a message to his superiors: "Wax on, Wax off."

Wax takes the keys to Reece's vehicle and hurries down the street, before finally turning and stopping in an area near the back of the restaurant (suggesting he knows the streets of Paris far better than ever alluded to), and explains his 'Wax on, Wax off' as a 'code' meaning that he (Wax) is going to take down the whole drug operation. From their current vantage point, they see the waiter running down the street. Wax follows him from a distance.

As they follow the waiter, Reece questions Wax on carrying the cocaine-filled vase. Wax remarks that where they're going, it's better than cash. Reece wants assurance it's on 'official business' and Wax finally explains about a college-age woman named Charlotte who sniffed some of the drug at the restaurant and overdosed. This Charlotte is the niece of the U.S. Secretary of Defence, who has tasked Wax with shutting down the whole operation-- 'chef to chief.'

They park in a back alley near the entrance to a nondescript warehouse/factory which the waiter ducks into. Reece notes a street gang nearby and recognizes them as 'Dragon Heads,' a seriously mean gang of Chinese-French people. Wax remains calmly unworried, correctly punching in the 'secret' code to Reece's hidden compartment in the rear of his SUV and handing Reece a .357 from inside it. He is in no rush despite the advance of the gang, acting like they are no problem, especially after the way he handled the restaurant staff (which were no mere 'kitchen staff' the way they were all packing heat, as Wax explains).

When the leader of the gang pulls a switchblade on Wax, however, he springs into action, easily taking them all down without breaking a sweat. He and Reece enter the factory, stealthily making their way up a spiral staircase to the very top, where they encounter the kingpin of the Chinese operation, M. Wong (Bing Yin), who is with family and his closest friends watching their children doing a traditional Chinese dance performance. Wax discreetly presses his gun into the back of Wong's chair so he can feel the barrel, and Reece (who speaks Mandarin) translates as Wax tells Wong that he has an address book with every pimp, prostitute and dealer in Wong's network, and he will turn it over to French authorities and work with them in getting Wong deported from France unless he gives Wax the name and address of the man who delivers all his cocaine. Wax gives him half a minute to decide, but Reece, instead of translating this correctly, asks Wong to think of the children-- a subtle hint that Wax might harm them. Wong curtly and wordlessly writes down the address and hands the paper back to Wax.

As Wax and Reece start to exit, a number of Wong's employees burst in, and Wong orders them to kill Wax and Reece. The two agents rush down the spiral staircase and through a double door into a part of the factory used for manufacturing clothing mannequins. Here another big shootout scene erupts in which Wax demonstrates more of his dazzling gunmanship, wiping all the thugs out. When the last one drops, Wax casually gestures with his head for him and Reece to leave.

Later, Reece is on the phone with his superior, who is assuring him that he is moving up in the agency, on a mission given straight from the top. He also allays Reece's concerns about Wax, saying his playbook is unorthodox but he always gets the job done. When Reece still expresses concerns however (he's none too happy about carrying around a vase full of cocaine), his superior (a little curtly) tells him to stop thinking and just do whatever Wax tells him... and not to call again until the job is done.

A moment after he hangs up, Caroline calls. Reece knows she is deeply concerned about his abruptly disappearing and not calling her in the meantime. He starts to try and explain to her, but suddenly his phone drops the call because of a low battery.

Wax collects Reece and takes him for some coffee at the Eiffel Tower. Afterward, he sniffs a little of the cocaine and makes Reece do the same, so he will appear as a genuine user when they visit Mr. Wong's dealer. As the drug starts to take effect, Reece questions Wax on whether this is the same type of drug that killed Charlotte, the secretary of Defence's niece. Acting as though he doesn't understand how the point is lost on Reece, Wax tells him that 'Charlotte' was never a real person... the mission they are on is about taking down a Pakistani terrorist cell operating in Paris, using the cocaine to launder their funds before purchasing explosives that can strike anyone, anywhere, without warning.

They make the meeting with the dealer, where Wax gets Reece to request a prostitute for Wax in a building up ahead. The dealer looks them up and down before signalling to one of the prostitutes to go with them. Wax hands Reece a couple of condoms and starts kissing the girl as they enter an elevator. Reece's frustration at Wax's methods-- and his own role in helping-- quickly fade into shock and horror as Caroline suddenly walks by carrying two rolls of clothing fabric, and spots them. The elevator door closes before Reece can try to extricate himself from the situation.

Wax remains nonchalant as Reece grills him on the situation he's now in with his fiancee. He breaks into a room where another john is with his two girls, and orders them all out, but as the john tries to leave, Reece notes the man has a cell phone charger and force s him to hand it over, so Reece can charge up his cell phone and finally call Caroline. Wax tells him while he's busy with that, to come to the window and watch a bank on the corner where the terrorists do their money laundering. Reece watches the bank impatiently while Wax takes the hooker into the bathroom and starts making out with her.

When Reece's phone is charged, he calls Caroline and tries to tell her that what she saw wasn't what it seemed-- she responds angrily that it seemed that her fiance was riding up an elevator with a hooker and her pimp. Reece desperately tells her that the man she saw wasn't a pimp, but Reece's partner that he had told her about before leaving. Caroline finally begs Reece to just come home, and he can bring this partner with him for dinner.

The conversation is interrupted when men start pounding on the door. Emerging from the bathroom, Wax thinks it's the Pakistani pimp and tells Reece to shoot them. Reece has just enough time to say he doesn't want to kill anyone before two Pakistani men burst through the door and start giving him a beatdown. Wax, acting unconcerned, watches through the window as two men leave the bank carrying duffel bags. Finally he turns (very casually) and kills the two thugs, chastising Reece for not doing it himself.

They follow the two runners down the street when Wax pauses to window-shop, much to Reece's shock. But again Wax is unconcerned, watching the two runners get into a van and using his watch to order a global satellite to track it. Using the satellite's tracking, Wax and Reece arrive in a very seedy part of the city; a run-down tenement area. Locating the correct building by which the van is parked, they approach some thugs standing outside it. They ask to be brought inside, saying they have cash to spend. The big thug looks them up and down and brings them inside, telling them to wait in the lobby while he gets Rashid. He also tells them not to look a particular youth in the eye.

Wax wastes no time disobeying this request, looking the boy in the eye. The boy promptly pulls a gun and orders them to kneel down. Wax does so, making Reece do the same. The boy's gangmates start to divest them of their valuables, including Reece's ring. As Rashid (Chems Eddine Dahmani) enters, the boy gives the ring to Rashid, and he puts it on his finger.

Rashid hands Wax a packet with five grams of cocaine, saying it will cost $50. Wax tastes a speck of it to determine its quality and says he'll buy an additional kilo. Rashid is incredulous at this, saying he doesn't sell in quantities that large. Reece explains that five grams is 'personal consumption,' a much lower grade of offence in Paris than a kilo, the dealing of which will land them 15 years in prison under French law. Wax then says aloud for all of the gang to hear, that it would be bad for them all to be caught with five kilos of their own product. Reece drops his vase, and it shatters on the ground and all the cocaine inside it spills all over the floor. All the gang members scatter and run, leaving Wax holding Rashid at gunpoint. Reece promptly jumps on Rashid and punches him out, taking back his ring. Wax eggs him on and then tells Rashid to take him to the senior members of the Pakistani cell.

Rashid takes him to an apartment where Wax pushes his way in. He uses a scope to peer into the apartment directly below him and sees that terrorist operatives there are closing up shop. Directing Reece to go to the floor below and shoot anyone coming through the door of the apartment, Wax attaches a cable to the top of the window frame and rappels down to break into the lower-floor apartment through its window, promptly starting to take out all the terrorists in ways that all the other movie secret agents and action heroes can only dream about. As Reece gets in position, Wax warns him not to enter, noting the door is wired with heavy explosives-- the terrorists enter and leave through the apartment directly below on the 9th floor, connected to the rigged apartment through a pole (think Batpole without Batman). Wax uses the pole to go into the 9th floor apartment, picking up the gunfight from there, blowing away the last of the terrorists inside. Arriving on the 9th floor through the stairs, Reece confronts another operative, ordering him to get down on the floor. Instead, to Reece's horror, the man pulls Reece's gun right into his own mouth and makes Reece pull the trigger. Reece watches numbly as the man falls dead to the ground.

Opening the apartment door, Wax commends Reece and then asks how many got out. Reece says maybe two or three, and Wax can't catch them now with their lead. Rushing to the window, Wax sees a getaway car ready to speed away. Doing some math calculations to estimate how long it will take the escaped operatives to reach the car, Wax spots several vests rigged with C-4 bricks for use by suicide bombers. Arming one vest, he takes it to the window and starts a countdown in his head. At the end of the countdown, he drops the vest outside the window. Just as the escaped operatives rush out the front door of the building and scramble into the car, the vest lands on the car and detonates from the impact, killing everyone inside the vehicle.

Wax hastily grabs a number of items in the apartment and stuffs them into a duffel bag, ushering Reece out before the French police arrive. Reece takes the time to wash blood off his face at the washroom sink. As he finishes, Wax calls him into the next room. The room is covered with photographs of Reece. It's clear that many of the operatives in the terrorist cell have been following Reece and know a lot about him.

They hear the sound of the police rushing in. Reece notes the police are rushing to the 10th floor door-- the one rigged to blow. He desperately tries to sprint forward to warn them, but Wax pulls him back, saying they are forced to let the police trigger the door in order to avoid detection and arrest. Insisting they're supposed to protect people instead of letting them die, Reece breaks free and rushes to warn the officers, but it's too late. They break the door down and many of them are killed in the resulting blast.

Escaping the building with Reece, Wax jumps into an unmanned police car and drives off. They drive past Reece's SUV and Reece says he has to get his stuff from there. Wax says their arrival was expected and the vehicle was undoubtedly stripped by now. But Reece's prints are all over the car and the police will be able to trace it back to him. Wax throws the police car in reverse and slams into the cars parked right in front of Reece's SUV, knocking them back to jar Reece's vehicle and set off the booby trap linked to his hidden compartment. Reece's SUV is destroyed and Wax drives off with Reece.

That evening, they meet with several senior CIA agents. Wax has Reece sit on a bench nearby and hands his colleagues the duffel bags filled with evidence from the terrorist apartments. They give him a brown paper bag in return, which turns out to contain one of Wax's indulgences-- quarter pounders with cheese (Royales with cheese, as they're called in France). Wax gives Reece one of the burgers and they talk as they eat. Reece admits he didn't actually kill the man that he confronted near the stairway, and Wax says he knew this, but Reece will still get credit. Wax thinks Reece makes a perfect partner for him... a remark that Reece has to grin at. Reece's cell phone alerts him at that moment to a text message from Caroline. She's told him that dinner awaits, and she's asking him to bring Wax with him.

Reece and Wax arrive back at Reece's apartment for dinner. Also joining them is Caroline's best friend, a young Pakistani woman named Nichole (Amber Rose Revah), with whom Wax quickly develops a mutual fancy. As everyone is getting acquainted and Reece is telling Caroline about their day, Wax's phone rings. He goes near Reece's stereo and turns it up for privacy as he talks to his superiors. He is heard asking his superiors 'how many?' and then telling them to 'call them all back.'

The four of them are just finishing dinner and enjoying light conversation over a bottle of wine when Nichole's cell phone rings. She tells the caller that nobody named Rose is present, and politely tells everyone at the table that it was a wrong number.

But Wax's expression has turned very stern and serious. He tells Reece that it was not a wrong number-- in fact, it was the very call he was waiting for. Without another word he whips out his gun and, to the utter horror of both Reece and Caroline, Wax blows Nichole's head off her shoulders and kills her.

Wax tells Reece that 'Rose' is a code word used by his superiors. Nichole answering a phone call by people looking for a 'Rose' means that Nichole's cell phone is part of a cell network used by the terrorist bloc. Worse still, Nichole being Caroline's best friend, Wax says, means Caroline is also involved-- in fact, it explains all the pictures of Reece in the terrorist apartments. Wax quickly locates and pulls out a hidden bug inside one of Reece's lamps, which means there are undoubtedly numerous other such devices in the apartment. Getting furious, Reece shouts that he thoroughly checked Caroline's credentials when he started dating her (much to her shock), but Wax has more proof in store... Reece's ring, given him by Caroline. Wax realizes that the terrorists are tracking their movements through the ring. Reece reluctantly gives Wax the ring over Caroline's tearful pleas, and Wax demonstrates that the ring interferes with the stereo; proof positive that it is a transmission device.

A devastated Reece confronts Caroline. She offers him no more words, but instead pulls a hidden gun taped under a lampstand and shoots Reece in the shoulder. Laying down more gunfire to pin Wax down, Caroline leaps through the living room window. Wax follows and pursues her across several rooftops and down several fire escapes. But before Wax can catch up to her, a green Volvo roars into an intersection just ahead of Caroline with its passenger door open. She leaps in and pulls the door closed and the car roars off. Wax grabs his phone and gives his superiors the make, model, and license plate number of the Volvo.

Later, agents have finished pulling over a dozen hidden microphones and several cameras out of Reece's apartment. Reece is dazed and confused. He realizes he didn't really know much about Caroline and is angry at himself. Wax tells him he was just in love. Wax himself has had relationships with women-- as he tells Reece, he's not made of stone.

Reece's cell phone rings; it's Caroline. Quickly he and the other agents plug it into a laptop in order to trace the call. Caroline tells Reece she will be off the phone before they can finish a trace. Holding back tears, she tries to tell Reece that she never meant for him to be hurt. For a number of years she has known a man who has been a second father to her; a man who gave her a purpose in life; a cause to serve. A man who helped her make sense of things.

Caroline hangs up, and she is seen going up to a bearded man (Farid Elouardi) and kissing his hand as he touches her face; on his finger is a ring exactly like the one Caroline gave Reece.

A trace lock from the call is incomplete. Wax tells his agents to replay the call and turn the volume up, and from the background noises, Reece guesses the rough area in which Caroline placed the call as the Périphérique. Wax realizes Caroline and whoever she is with are heading out of Paris. At that moment, Reece gets a call from a very concerned Ambassador Bennington-- the American Delegation for the US-African Aid summit has just landed at the airport and Bennington expected Reece to be there to greet them. Wax determines that the Delegation's motorcade is going to be the target of a suicide bomb attack. Grabbing one of his colleagues as a driver, he rushes out to intercept them.

As Wax and his driver race to save the Delegation, Reece paces about his apartment. He knows that there has to be more than just the bombing of the American Delegation; why use him, through Caroline? Why did they bug his apartment so thoroughly? He begins going through the house, and all of Caroline's things that are there. He goes through her clothing sketches and finds a piece of cut fabric, a newspaper with a front page devoted to the African Aid Summit... and a design sketch for a hooded outer garment like an Arabian hajib-- the same type of garment that he knows will be worn by mid-Eastern women delegates at the Summit.

Reece calls Wax and warns him that the attack on the Delegation is a decoy. While the bearded driver goes to strike at them, Caroline is making her way to the actual Summit conference as a suicide bomber. Trying to line up a shot on the bearded driver's green Volvo with a portable rocket launcher provided him by his own driver, Wax tells Reece he can see Caroline in the passenger seat of the Volvo. Reece urges him to make direct visual contact. Wax gets his driver to move in closer, and he sees to his horror that Reece is right... in the passenger seat of the Volvo is a clothing mannequin. Wax calls the Delegation's security agent and warns them of danger, urging them to change course, but the Head of the Delegation (Alexandra Boyd) refuses to consent. Frustrated, Wax tells his driver to pull ahead of the bearded man and take him up to the bridge coming up ahead. Lining up his shot, he destroys the green Volvo a mere hundred yards in front of the Delegation's procession.

Reece has made his way to the Embassy estate where the Summit conference is taking place. Wax calls him and tells him that Caroline will be wearing one of the shock-activated explosive vests like the one they found in the terrorist apartments, under her hajib. In order to save countless lives, Reece will need to shoot her in the head. Wax angrily insists Reece has to do this, over Reece's anguished protests.

Reece uses his ID keycard at the security checkpoint but finds it denies him entry. The head of security (Nick Loren) informs him that the card has already been used by Ambassador Bennington's aide. Realizing that Caroline has his spare keycard, he tries to explain to security, but of course they respond with suspicion and try to forcibly lead him to the security office for questioning. Spotting Bennington, Reece urgently calls him over to verify his identity. But when Reece tries to walk through the metal detector, it immediately goes off, alerting security to Reece's gun, creating an even bigger problem. Even Bennington has no knowledge of Reece being authorized to carry firearms. Reece quietly tells Bennington that a suicide bomber is in the building. Caroline began dating and living with Reece to establish a cover for herself and ultimately give herself a means of entering the Summit conference. Bennington asks Reece if he's absolutely sure she's in the building, and Reece is forced to admit he isn't. Thinking quickly, Bennington asks Summit security to let Reece through. They say they will do so, but only if Reece is unarmed-- he cannot take his weapon. Bennington nods in agreement, and security lets go of Reece. The head of security discreetly follows behind him to watch him.

Reece spots a woman wearing a hajib like the one in Caroline's sketch. He calls out to her; she half-turns and ducks into one of the conference rooms. Reece follows and sees the point behind Caroline's hajib-- it exactly matches those worn by all the other African and Mid-Eastern women delegates, making her indistinguishable from them, as they all have the hoods up.

Following behind Reece, the head of security notes his agitation and quietly radios for backup, knowing a situation is about to start.

Needing to pick Caroline out among the women delegates, Reece grabs a gun from one of the security officers and shouts in a loud voice for him not to move. He brandishes the gun so everyone in the room will see he has it. All the delegates and diplomats in the room begin to scatter or duck for cover. Reece's plan pays off as he sees one of the robed women's feet as she scurries away. She's wearing orange pumps: Caroline's shoes. He points his gun at her and orders her to freeze. Caroline complies, putting her hands up in the air, but she also is waiting to see if the security agents converging can disarm Reece. The agents repeatedly order him to drop his weapon, but refrain from opening fire as Reece is making no other threatening moves other than holding Caroline at gunpoint. Caroline finally turns to face Reece and slowly lowers her hood to reveal her face, and then she pulls her hajib open to reveal her explosive-laden vest. Instantly all the security agents' guns are turned to point at her. Reece shouts for them to hold fire, because the impact of the bullets will detonate her vest. Reece desperately tries to reason with Caroline, pleading to her that despite everything, he still loves her with all his heart, and that is all the 'sense' either of them will be able to make of anything that has transpired-- he still loves her. For a few instants it appears that Caroline is listening to Reece, but then her hand starts lifting up to tap the plate that will detonate her vest. Forced to react, Reece takes quick but careful aim and fires a shot right into Caroline's forehead. Arriving on the scene, Wax catches her falling body before it hits the floor, and disconnects the wires that charge her vest.

Outside, the Head of the American Delegation is being required to remain seated in her car without an explanation, and she is getting angrier and more impatient by the minute. Her security agent recognizes Wax exiting the building and desperately asks him to explain to her. Wax gives a very vague story that a security problem has been handled and she is free to enter the Summit. The Head of the Delegation marches up to Bennington and curtly (and rudely) demands that the person or persons responsible for the delay be identified and fired.

Reece is bringing Wax to the airport to return to the United States. He gives Wax a cheeseburger as a going-away present. Wax laughs appreciatively and tells Reece that his performance and heroics have almost assuredly earned him a big promotion that will more than likely take him on the road; though as Wax adds, he would certainly love it if Reece came with him. Reece wants to get back to his apartment, having a lot of things to take care of. Wax tells him that his apartment has already been 'packed up and shipped out,' but Wax has what he believes Reece wants-- a strip of photographs that Reece and Caroline posed for at a street-side automatic photo booth, the only memento Reece will have to remember Caroline by.

The movie closes with Wax revealing that he is also a chess player, and invites Reece to play a game with him before Wax leaves. The camera pans out gradually as they set up the board and pieces, along with a good-natured trading of 'smack talk.'
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Watch Surprised by Love (2015) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Surprised by Love
  • Year: 2015
  • Duration: 1h 24m
  • Rating: 6,6
  • Genres: Comedy, Romance, Family
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Summary Surprised by Love (2015)

The story of a young businesswoman who tries to convince her uptight parents to accept her current boyfriend and instead finds herself falling for an old high school flame.

Josie Mayfield, a no-nonsense businesswoman working at her father's prosperous cookware company, thinks her boyfriend Richard is the perfect man - handsome, successful and driven. The problem is that Josie's parents, Joseph and Claire, do not agree. When Josie meets up with Maxwell, an underachieving, old high school flame (who still has a crush on Josie), Richard dreams up a plan to make himself look good to Josie's parents: Maxwell will be Josie's date at Joseph and Claire's upcoming anniversary party. When Joseph and Claire see Josie with a "loser," they'll give anything to have Richard back in the picture. At least, that's the plan. Over the anniversary party weekend, Maxwell stays with Josie as a guest in the Mayfield home, horrifying Joseph and Claire with his unsophisticated ways. Though things are rough and rocky at first, Maxwell soon begins to win over Joseph and Clair and they start to appreciate his carefree and spontaneous lifestyle. Maxwell's presence even helps Josie's insecure younger sister Mindy finally stand up for herself and inspires Josie's grandfather (Conway) to pleasantly shock everyone by revealing a big secret. As Maxwell's visit loosens up the previously stiff and uptight Mayfield family, Josie starts to fall for him and realizes she hasn't been living her life for herself. When Richard shows up at the house, Josie must decide which direction her life - romantic and otherwise - is going to take.

Gridley, the high school flame of Sophie; the elder daughter of the "Mayfields" the business family, springs a surprise on the Mayfield family. Gridley is on a mission to correct Sophie's perfectionist parents' opinion on Sophie's boyfriend Richard. Gridley shows how his genuineness transforms the Mayfield family.

Josie Mayfield is a driven second generation executive at Mayfields, a successful kitchenware company founded by her father Joseph Mayfield thirty-eight years ago - he still the company president - and inspired by the immaculate kitchen of Joseph's wife/Josie's mother, Claire Mayfield. Astuteness in the kitchen is one trait of her mother's that Josie did not inherit. Joseph and Claire struggled financially before the company became a quick success. Everything they now do is solely to put forward a face of success and perfection. Of the men Josie has dated over the course of her adult life, none, including the current, Richard Wright, has been good enough in the eyes of her parents, despite most being carbon copies of Joseph and male versions of the professional side of Josie. Another knock they have against Richard, a corporate headhunter, is that he always seems to be making a pitch. As such, Joseph and Claire would prefer that Josie not bring Richard to their upcoming fortieth wedding anniversary party, which, fulfilling Claire's dream, will be featured in the Chronicle newspaper's Homes section. Knowing that Joseph and Claire do not approve of him as Josie's boyfriend, Richard comes up with a plan to raise his cachet in their eyes: Josie should take someone clearly inferior to him to the party, he posing as her boyfriend. The perfect person in Richard's eyes is Maxwell Gridley, an old friend of Josie's from high school with who she has just reconnected after not seeing since high school. Joseph and Claire have known and disliked Gridley since he was Josie's high school prom date. Gridley, a free spirit, has by choice moved from place to place every six months doing what has moved him, the current six months house-sitting for a mutual friend while he creates and sells driftwood art in the park. Good-hearted Gridley is happy enough to do this favor for his friend Josie. Beyond some mishaps at the Mayfields' house, Gridley does have the intended affect by being his sheer self. But Gridley's presence brings close to the surface other buried issues within the Mayfield family including: Josie's younger sister, Mindy, having difficulties in finding her place within the family and within life; and the reasons behind Claire's father's early onset dementia, which has rendered him speechless now for two years. Gridley's generally good heart may have some effect in bringing to light these and other issues the source of unhappiness, he hoping that heart being something that Josie can see and want as he starts to fall for her.

Synopsis Surprised by Love (2015)

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Watch Hatsukoi (2019) Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Hatsukoi
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 1h 48m
  • Rating: 6,8
  • Genres: Action, Comedy, Crime
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Summary Hatsukoi (2019)

A young boxer and a call girl get caught up in a drug-smuggling scheme over the course of one night in Tokyo.

Leo is a young boxer, successful but unable to show emotion. He has a fight scheduled and is sure that he will win. Instead, his opponent knocks him out. This triggers a chain of unpleasant events involving drugs, corrupt cops, the Yakuza, a female assassin - and Monica, an escort that he must rescue. It's one hell of a night for Leo.

Never mind a New York minute: it's in a Shinjuku second that one risks losing one's head in First Love, and when Midnight Madness institution Takashi Miike is winding the clock, you can trust we mean that literally. The latest from the prolific provocateur gets rolling with all that's north of a Yakuza's neck tumbling into the neon-drenched streets of Tokyo - an indelible image that assures us that, despite the film's starry-eyed title, this is romance in the key of Miike. When the schemes of duplicitous punk Kase (Shota Sometani) go comically awry, doomed boxer Leo (Masataka Kubota) and haunted drug addict Monica (Sakurako Konishi) find themselves inadvertently caught in the cross-hairs of two warring gangs. Over the course of an increasingly ridiculous night, a soulful meet-cute between the two innocents transpires - one injected with that signature brand of poetic pandemonium that Midnighters have grown to revere over the course of Miike's now 104 directing credits. That this infectious pastiche coheres as well as it does is a testament to the grounded foundation laid by frequent Miike collaborator Masaru Nakamura (Dead Or Alive 2: Birds, Sukiyaki Western Django), whose script wittily weaves its hyperbolic characters towards a thoughtful expression of the concept of Hatsukoi (first love). Capturing the yearning that blooms with one's first brush with romantic feeling, Miike and Nakamura cut to the heart of it and distill it down to that instant when a person resolves to live for another besides themselves - be it with fists raised, or swords drawn.

Synopsis Hatsukoi (2019)

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Watch De-Lovely (2004) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: De-Lovely
  • Year: 2004
  • Duration: 2h 5m
  • Rating: 6,6
  • Genres: Drama, Music, Biography
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Summary De-Lovely (2004)

Inspecting a magical biographical stage musical, composer Cole Porter reviews his life and career with his wife, Linda.

De-Lovely is an original musical portrait of American composer Cole Porter, filled with his unforgettable songs. In the film, Porter is looking back on his life as if it was one of his spectacular stage shows, with the people and events of his life becoming the actors and action onstage. Through elaborate production numbers and popular hits like "Anything Goes," "It's De-Lovely," and "Night and Day," Porter's elegant, excessive past comes to light - including his deeply complicated relationship with his wife and muse, Linda Lee Porter.

Educated fleas in this vale of tears: the marriage of Cole Porter and his wife, Linda, told loosely as a three-act review with Porter watching. In act one, Porter and Linda meet in Paris, fall in love and marry with her knowledge of his being gay; on to Venice and New York, where parties, music, and their love lead him to decide to compose professionally. Act two is New York and Hollywood, where success awaits, as do an increasing number of young men who take Porter's attention from Linda and leave her lonely and apart. Act three begins with a crippling accident that brings Linda back to Porter's side, their attentiveness to each other renewed in his pain and her illness.

Synopsis De-Lovely (2004)

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Watch The Love Punch (2013) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: The Love Punch
  • Year: 2013
  • Duration: 1h 34m
  • Rating: 5,8
  • Genres: Comedy
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Summary The Love Punch (2013)

A divorced couple scheme to recover the retirement money that was stolen from them.

Richard (Pierce Brosnan) and Kate (Dame Emma Thompson) are a divorced couple who have an amicable relationship. Richard, who's about to retire, learns that his company's assets have been frozen because it's under investigation, and that includes the pension fund. When the owner goes out of the country, Richard decides to pursue him and Kate goes with him. When they learn the man doesn't care about the employees, they decide to get the money some other way - by stealing the diamond he gave his girlfriend. So they follow them and Kate gets close to the girlfriend.

Synopsis The Love Punch (2013)

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Watch Yarim Kalan Asklar () Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Yarim Kalan Asklar
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 7,9
  • Genres: Thriller, Drama, Romance
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Summary Yarim Kalan Asklar ()

Idealist journalist Ozan is about to marry Elif who is a journalist like himself. Ozan, whose eyes are known for his black journalism, pursues a mysterious and difficult news. The happy picture in the life of the couple, who love each other insanely, will end in a terrible event: Ozan loses his life by a traffic accident. However, Ozan will find his lost life in a new body again. Returning to life with another body, Ozan has two challenging tasks: to find out who killed him and to tell Elif all the facts.

Synopsis Yarim Kalan Asklar ()

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Watch Much Loved (2015) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Much Loved
  • Year: 2015
  • Duration: 1h 44m
  • Rating: 6,2
  • Genres: Drama
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Summary Much Loved (2015)

A group of women in Morocco make a living as prostitutes in a culture that is very unforgiving toward women in that profession.

Marrakech today, Noha, Randa, Soukaina, Hlima and others live a life of love for sale. They're whores, objects of desire. Full of joy and a sense of complicity, dignified and free in their kingdom of women, they overcome the violence of a society that takes advantage of them while at the same time condemning them.

Synopsis Much Loved (2015)

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Watch Love Unleashed (2019) Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Love Unleashed
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 1h 22m
  • Rating: 6,6
  • Genres: Romance
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Summary Love Unleashed (2019)

While hosting a puppy party, Hailey meets single father Ryan.

Beyond her regular accounting job working at her father Wade Goode's tax accounting firm, Hailey Goode, along with her best friend Dana Barton, operate the non-profit Puppy Party Playdates, which provides and manages puppies for events, such as children's parties. The non-profit's ultimate mission is to have the puppies, rescue puppies at the animal shelter where Dana works and Hailey volunteers, adopted, with one of the shorter term goals to have a dog park built in the city, Long Lake, Washington. Hailey is organizing a petition she hopes ultimately with at least one thousand signatures to present to business community-centric Mayor Mark Betz, and, to use Hailey's term, the lug-head city planner, who have the city-owned property, where Hailey would like to see the park, earmarked for "yet another" strip mall. It isn't until Hailey meets Ryan Hill, five year widowed father to eight year old Emmy Hill, at a number of the puppy parties, becomes his friend, through Emmy he expressing some interest but hesitation in adopting a puppy for Emmy due to his focus primarily on her and not needing the extra responsibility, and uses the term lug-head in front of him to describe the city planner that she learns he is said lug-head. As Hailey and Ryan begin to think that the other may be worth entering the dating scene again for, especially as Emmy gets attached to Hailey and the puppies Hailey is fostering, they try to come to some compromise for their professional goals. What happens in trying to find that compromise, whether Ryan is truly ready to put the memory of his wife to rest, and one of Ryan's colleagues and long term friends, city hall lawyer Kelly Donaldson, perhaps seeing herself as Ryan's girlfriend may factor into whether there is a happily-ever-after for Hailey and Ryan as a couple.

Synopsis Love Unleashed (2019)

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Watch Toraburu () Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Toraburu
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 6,5
  • Genres: Action, Comedy, Animation
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Summary Toraburu ()

When an alien from the planet Deviluke runs away and goes into hiding on earth,she meets a human named Yuuki Rito. Watch as she wants to get married to him while he wants no part of it

The story revolves around Rito Yuki, a high-school student who cannot confess to the girl of his dreams, Haruna Sairenji. One day when coming home and sulking in the bathtub, a mysterious, nude girl appears out of nowhere. Her name is Lala and she comes from the planet Deviluke, where she is the heir to the throne. Her father wants her to return to her home planet so she can marry one of the husband candidates. But she decides that she wants to marry Rito in order to stay on Earth. Commander Zastin has been ordered to bring Lala back and has already battled Rito. He reports to the emperor that Rito would be suited to marry Lala, after hearing Rito, who was actually defending himself instead of Lala, say that marriage is impossible unless it is with the person you love. Lala truly falls in love with Rito and decides that she wants to marry Rito after hearing what he said. Her father decides that, if Rito is able to protect Lala from her fiancés, then he can marry her. However, if Rito cannot protect Lala from her other fiancés and meet the king's expectations, Lala's father will kill Rito and destroy the Earth.

Synopsis Toraburu ()

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Watch Kiki, el amor se hace (2016) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Kiki, el amor se hace
  • Year: 2016
  • Duration: 1h 42m
  • Rating: 6,5
  • Genres: Comedy, Romance
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Summary Kiki, el amor se hace (2016)

Under Madrid's scorching summer sun, ordinary couples with real passion and the unquenchable desire to love and be loved, share the same irrepressible urge to investigate their own sexuality through five intertwined stories.

Through five stories, the movie addresses sex and love: Paco and Ana are a marriage looking for reactivate the passion of their sexual relations, long time unsatisfied; Jose Luis tries to recover the affections of his wife Paloma, sit down on a wheelchair after an accident which has limited her mobility; Mª Candelaria and Antonio are a marriage trying by all way to be parents, but she has the trouble that no get an orgasm when make love with him; Álex try to satisfy Natalia's fantasies, while she starts to doubt if he finally will ask her in marriage; and finally, Sandra is a single woman in a permanent searching for a man to fall in love. All them love, fear, live and explore their diverse sexual paraphilias and the different sides of sexuality, trying to find the road to happiness.

Under Madrid's scorching summer sun, ordinary couples with real passion and the unquenchable desire to love and be loved, share the same irrepressible urge to investigate their own sexuality and explore its very source through five intertwined stories. In other words, the couples determined to part with the social or self-imposed restrictions, will attempt to shed all inhibitions and delve deep into their well-hidden desires, sexual fantasies or rather, fetishes, even if this means they will have to deal with unheard, rather unusual, and above all, hard to pronounce philias. After all, if there is wood, a spark and a will, the flame will start burning again.

Synopsis Kiki, el amor se hace (2016)

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Watch Summer Lovers (1982) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Summer Lovers
  • Year: 1982
  • Duration: 1h 38m
  • Rating: 5,8
  • Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
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Summary Summer Lovers (1982)

A young American couple and a French woman engage in a threesome in the Greek Islands.

A young American couple, Michael and Cathy who have just graduated from college, have known each other about 10 years and have been together about half that time go to of Santorini, a Greek island for the summer and are dazzled by the beauty and the uninhibited people surrounding them. Michael meets and begins an affair with Lina, a French archaeologist working on a dig. Cathy discovers this and goes to confront the other woman. Lina is quite taken with Cathy's photographic work, and the three become very close.

Synopsis Summer Lovers (1982)

Michael and Cathy, a young couple who have just graduated from college, have known each other about 10 years and have been together about half that time. They arrive on a nameless Greek island to spend two months for the summer of relaxing before going back to the real world. When they visit a nude beach crowded with other young tourists (a combination of American, British, French, German, Italian, Spanish, as well as Greek), they are hesitant at first but find themselves getting caught up in the uninhibited energy that surrounds them.

Cathy reads a book of sexual techniques, then ties Michael to the bed and drips candle wax on his chest that evening. Michael is very uncomfortable by her experiements. Cathy comments that everyone thinks she's "such a Goody Two-Shoes" but she wants a little more adventure.

Michael, who says he has never been with another woman, keeps noticing Lina, a French archaeologist on temporary assignment at the nearby Akrotiri excavation. One day, at the beach without Cathy, he gets his chance to talk to Lina and ends up starting an affair with her. He then feels so guilty that Cathy immediately notices something is wrong, and he admits what he has done, insisting that he still loves Cathy.

Cathy is naturally disturbed by this, but tells him to "get it out of his system", which he takes as permission to return to Lina. Cathy then goes to a local bar intending to sleep with another man as a way to get revenge against Michael for cheating on her. But in the end, she chickens out after getting picked up by an amorous local boy. When Michael comes home later after seeing Lina again, Cathy says she wants out of the relationship.

The next day, Cathy goes to Lina's home to confront her. Lina assures Cathy that she does not intend to take Michael away from her, which seems to calm Cathy somewhat. Lina and Cathy end up spending several hours together getting acquainted, and talking, and find themselves fascinated by each other's work; Lina's archeology and Cathy's photography.

Michael is confused when he learns that the two women are developing a friendship, but he quickly recovers and the three of them spend a few days gradually getting closer. Cathy knows Michael is still sleeping with Lina from time to time, but seems to accept it, although she says it would be difficult for her to see them in bed together. Nevertheless, she tolerates increasing signs of affection between Michael and Lina in her presence.

One evening, Cathy encourages Michael to kiss Lina. He gives Lina a light peck, but Cathy says it isn't convincing. He gradually turns up the heat while watching Cathy intently for her reaction. He then kisses Cathy, checking to see how this makes Lina feel. The three end up spending the night together in bed. Lina moves in with them, and they continue enjoying the island paradise as a threesome.

Over the next several days, Michael, Cathy, and Lina enjoy their "household of three" and spending nights with all three of them having sex with each other. Just as the fantasy seems to be a total success, the natural complications of domestic life, like who does the laundry or dishes, come to the foreground. The three work through these problems, but then things come to a head when Cathy's mother appears on a surprise visit and is shocked when she sees all three of them in a comprompising situation, which snaps everyone back to reality. Cathy tells her mother she's never been happier in her life. Although Lina claims to be bad at relationships and prefers just "screwing", the three actually seem to be falling in love all around.

Aside from Lina's comment that she prefers just "screwing," the sexually charged plot is underscored by a number of other instances of openly sexual comments and humor.

Finding herself in an intense relationship, and uncertain about her future with them, Lina begins to fear getting hurt when the summer ends and her American friends will return home. Michael and Cathy tell Lina that it doesn't have to end, but they don't go into any details. To avoid getting too close to her new friends, Lina disappears with another young man she met at the beach.

Cathy and Michael are distraught, and spend several days searching for Lina. Eventually they conclude they won't find her as long as she wants to remain hidden. But their memories of Lina loom over everything they try to do, and they can no longer enjoy their time on the island. They pack up to return home, even though they have three weeks remaining prepaid on their bungalo rental.

Lina finds her fears are outweighed by her feelings for the Americans, and returns to reunite with them, only to discover they have already gone. She races to the airport and intercepts them just as they are about to board the plane. Overjoyed at seeing her again, Cathy and Michael return to spend the last three weeks of their summer with her.
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Watch Flavor of Love () Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Flavor of Love
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 4,5
  • Genres: Romance, Game-Show, Reality-TV
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Summary Flavor of Love ()

Flavor flay is on the hunt to find his dream girl! Join him and his female contestants on a show full of laughs and raw chicken.

Synopsis Flavor of Love ()

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Watch Love in Paradise (2016) Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Love in Paradise
  • Year: 2016
  • Duration: 1h 24m
  • Rating: 6,5
  • Genres: Comedy, Drama
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Summary Love in Paradise (2016)

TV cowboy taken out of his comfort zone on a working ranch in Montana.

Father and daughter Casey and Heather Twain own and operate Paradise Ranch, a combination working/5-star dude ranch outside of Big Sky, Montana, the dude part of the ranch which is just about to open for the season. They decide to hire actor Avery Ford for a promotional event to mark the opening, Avery the star of the "Aim to Please" series of westerns, which Casey, a once famous cowboy in his own right, loves. What the Twains have failed to tell Avery or his agent Candace is that the ranch, whose 5 stars are based solely on authenticity and not luxuries, has been losing more and more business each year, where another failing year will mean the loss of the ranch, which has been in the family for generations. The PR event is a last ditch effort to have a good enough season to pay off their creditors. An amoral developer named Guthrie is just waiting for the ranch to fail so that he can buy it for a song and turn it into condos, despite he coming from a ranching background himself. In addition, Heather has never watched any of the "Aim to Please" movies and has no desire to do so. And what Avery and Candace fail to mention to the Twains is that he is a yoga practicing, electronic device addicted, vegetarian New York City slicker, who is scared of farm animals, even horses, and who doesn't even own a pair of jeans, let alone cowboy boots or cowboy hat. Avery too needs the work as the "Aim to Please" franchise has most likely ended due to lack of interest, with the fifth and latest movie now released three years ago. The reality of all the lies quickly come to light shortly after Avery's arrival at the ranch. However, Avery assures the Twains he can muster his way through the event, as he does get paid to make believe in his day to day life. Out of circumstance, Avery is forced to stay at the ranch for what is anticipated to be a week longer than planned, which irks both him and Heather. But the longer he stays, the more he falls in love with the rural life and Heather, who the feeling for Avery is mutual. The question becomes whether Avery's feelings are just a passing phase, especially if it is a choice between Heather and what looks to be the revival of his acting career.

Avery Ford, a famous actor in popular Western films, is sent by his manager to a Montana dude ranch where he's supposed to rustle up business for the ranch while also re- energizing his flagging career. Heather Twain, whose family owns the ranch is a natural beauty who can ride, rope, fix the truck, whip up a meal that'll knock your socks off - there's nothing she can't do. Though miffed when she realizes he's a phony, a city slicker who knows nothing about being a cowboy, she can't help but feel something for the well-meaning, awkward Avery.

Synopsis Love in Paradise (2016)

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Watch Tiempos de guerra () Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Tiempos de guerra
  • Year:
  • Duration: 1h 10m
  • Rating: 7,7
  • Genres: Drama, War
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Summary Tiempos de guerra ()

In the Spanish city of Melilla, during the Rif War of the 1920s, Spanish volunteer nurses of Red Cross with no experience adapt to their new lives.

Synopsis Tiempos de guerra ()

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Watch Basic Instinct (1992) Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Basic Instinct
  • Year: 1992
  • Duration: 2h 7m
  • Rating: 7
  • Genres: Thriller, Drama, Mystery
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Summary Basic Instinct (1992)

A violent police detective investigates a brutal murder that might involve a manipulative and seductive novelist.

A former rock star, Johnny Boz, is brutally killed during sex, and the case is assigned to detective Nick Curran of the SFPD. During the investigation, Nick meets Catherine Tramell, a crime novelist who was Boz's girlfriend when he died. Catherine proves to be a very clever and manipulative woman, and though Nick is more or less convinced that she murdered Boz, he is unable to find any evidence. Later, when Nilsen, Nick's rival in the police, is killed, Nick suspects of Catherine's involvement in it. He then starts to play a dangerous lust-filled mind game with Catherine to nail her, but as their relationship progresses, the body count rises and contradicting evidences force Nick to start questioning his own suspicions about Catherine's guilt.

In Los Angeles, the retired rock star Johnny Boz is stabbed by an ice pick and murdered tied to his bed during an intercourse. Detective Nick Curran and his partner Gus Moran are assigned to the case. They head to the beach house of the psychologist and writer Catherine Tramell , who was Boz's girlfriend, to interview her. They find a cynical and intelligent woman and soon Nick suspects her of the crime. Det. Curran has recently killed two tourists in a shooting and his wife that committed suicide and is forced to visit the police psychologist Dr. Beth Garner, with whom he has a love affair. He continues his investigation and soon he has a sexual involvement with Tramell. He is sure that she is the killer when other evidences shifts him to another direction.

Former rock star and San Francisco nightclub owner Johnny Boz is found murdered in his bed. Detective Nick Curran is assigned to the case; he has a history of alcoholism and drug abuse although he is clean now. The prime suspect is Catherine Tramell, an attractive and manipulative novelist who had been seeing Boz for a while. Police psychiatrist Beth Gardner (who happens to be Nick's ex-girlfriend) is brought in on the case when it is discovered that Boz's murder was copied directly from one of Catherine's novels. Nick starts to get too involved and everyone seems to be a suspect.

Nick Curran is in charge of the investigation of a brutal murder of a rock star, who has been killed using an ice pick. All the evidence points to a beautiful woman, Catherine, as the main suspect of the crime. Catherine is a psychologist and she's written one crime novel, a story in which a similar crime is described. Curran goes to Catherine's house to interrogate her about the victim and what happened that night. Apparently, Catherine was a formal lover of the musician and she even spent that night with him, but she claims to have not killed him. Nick feels attracted immediately to Catherine, but she's a quite intelligent woman who manages to avoid his questions cleverly, using her physical attributes and seductive personality. Catherine has a romantic relationship with another woman, but that won't be an obstacle for Nick, who everyday seems to be much more interested in her. But Nick's been checked by a psychologist, Beth, who was his girlfriend in the past, because the detective had an alcohol problem. But the sexual attraction that Nick feels for Catherine, seems to provoke the problem again. Nick becomes Catherine's lover, a fact that threatens to hinder the investigation and puts in danger his life, discovering a wild sexuality never experimented before. Nick's convinced that Catherine is innocent, but maybe love and sex are blinding him in his way of unfolding the truth.

Synopsis Basic Instinct (1992)

Down-and-out detective SFPD Nick Curran is called to investigate the murder of a wealthy former rock star, Johnny Boz, who was brutally stabbed to death with an ice pick while having sex with a blonde woman. Boz had ties to the mayor and a mayor's aide hovers over them during their investigation. After the crime scene investigation, he sees Beth Garner, an SFPD psychiatrist that Internal Affairs has required him to see. She asks him about his drug and alcohol use and he says he's been clean and sober for three months.

The only lead the police have on Boz' murder is Catherine Tramell, a successful and extremely wealthy crime novelist who was the last person seen with Boz the night he died. Curran and fellow detective Gus Moran (George) look for Tramell at her Pacific Heights mansion, but they find only Roxy, Tramell's lesbian lover, is home. Roxy tells them Tramell is at her Stinson Beach beach house, and mentions that "she didn't do it, kill Johnny Boz". Curran and Moran go to the beach house to question Tramell and find her on a deckchair by the ocean. The two policemen introduce themselves, and Tramell says to Curran "I know who you are". They ask her questions about her relationship with Boz. She insists they weren't dating ("I wasn't dating him, I was fucking him"). Upon hearing that he is dead, she shows very little remorse, saying that she most misses their sexual encounters.

Both Morran and Gus discover that Tramell has written a novel about a former rock star who was killed in the exact same way - tied to the bed with a white scarf and stabbed multiple times with an ice-pick. They strongly suspect she murdered Boz. After another confrontation with the detectives, Tramell agrees to go to police headquarters to be interviewed about the murder. She asks to change into something "more appropriate" and returns wearing a short white miniskirt. During the interview she uncrosses and crosses her legs in a provocative manner, briefly exposing her genitalia, and the interrogators--especially Curran--are embarrassed and shocked.

She continuously calls Curran by his first name, Nick. Later that night, Curran goes to a bar with several of his co-workers. He resumes drinking after having been sober for three months. Officer Nielsen, an Internal Affairs officer who has been a major source of problems for Nick throughout his career, shows up, and he and Curran get into a argument. Beth Garner arrives and she and Nick then leave together. At Beth's apartment the two engage in heated sex. Although he had stopped smoking for some time, Nick asks for a cigarette, and Beth tells him where some cigarettes are before curtly and angrily telling Nick to leave.

In another suspicious development, Curran learns that Tramell's parents were both killed in an explosion on their boat when Tramell was an adolescent. Curran also learns that Tramell makes a habit out of befriending vicious murderers like a woman who stabbed her husband and children to death. Curran finds out during a visit to Tramell's house that she knows things about him that are confidential, things that only the psychiatrist Garner ought to know. Curran confronts Garner about Trammel's knowledge of his private life, and Garner reluctantly tells Curran that the IA investigator Nielsen was trying to get Curran off the force. Garner felt compelled to give Nielsen his private file to enable Nielsen and other IA investigators to evaluate Curran directly. Curran attacks Nielsen in his office, accusing him of having showed his psychological profile to Tramell. Nielsen screams back "You're through!"

Nielsen is found dead later that night in his car with a single gunshot wound to the head from a .38 pistol. Other officers believe Curran may have motive. A torrid sexual affair then begins between Curran and Tramell, with an initial air of a cat-and-mouse game. Roxy, Catherine's lover attempts to kill Nick by running him over with Catherine's car but she ends up being killed herself. Curran, though on leave, continues to investigate on his own and discovers several facts which appear to implicate Tramell as the killer.

He also uncovers facts about Garner that cause him to suspect her instead. He learns that Tramell and Garner had an affair while in college and each accuses the other of being obsessed with each other. Curran also learns that a psychology professor was murdered with an ice pick while both of the women were attending that college, where both majored in psychology. Curran's partner is lured to a building and murdered in the same way described in Tramell's new, still unpublished book. Curran, who was left waiting in the car, figures out there is trouble brewing but arrives too late to help his partner. Curran finds Beth at the scene. He thinks she's murdered his partner. She reaches for something in her coat, and he thinks she's about to shoot him. He shoots her first. She has only keys in her pocket and as she dies, she tells Curran she loves him.

The police search Beth's apartment afterward and find incriminating evidence--a .38 revolver, copies of Trammel's books, photos of the victims and of Tramell, and an ice pick--that implicate her as Boz' and Gus' murderer. Later on, Tramell and Curran have heated, steamy sex. Afterward Nick's back is briefly turned to her and Catherine slowly reaches under the bed. But she changes her mind and makes passionate love to Nick again. The camera slowly pans down and shows the underside of the bed where an ice-pick is lying on the floor.
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Watch Midway to Love (2019) Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Midway to Love
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 1h 27m
  • Rating: 5,4
  • Genres: Romance
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Summary Midway to Love (2019)

When the network announces that her television therapy show is changing to a tabloid shock-fest, a strait-laced and caring psychologist returns to her hometown and reunites with her high school sweetheart. Eventually, she realizes that having someone to share a life with is more important than fame or the excitement of the city.

Synopsis Midway to Love (2019)

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Watch En kärlekshistoria (1970) Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: En kärlekshistoria
  • Year: 1970
  • Duration: 1h 55m
  • Rating: 7,4
  • Genres: Drama, Romance
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Summary En kärlekshistoria (1970)

Two teenagers fall in love over the summer, in spite of cynical and disapproving adults who dismiss their relationship as being nothing but young love.

Synopsis En kärlekshistoria (1970)

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Watch Love, Romance & Chocolate (2019) Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Love, Romance & Chocolate
  • Year: 2019
  • Duration: 1h 24m
  • Rating: 6,8
  • Genres: Romance
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Summary Love, Romance & Chocolate (2019)

Emma and chocolatier Luc compete for Belgium's Royal Chocolatier. The beauty and romance of Bruges inspire unique chocolate combinations, but will their entry win without them losing their hearts?

New York accountant Emma Colvin is heartbroken when her boyfriend leaves her before their planned romantic getaway to Belgium for Valentine's Day. Convinced by a friend to go alone on the trip, Emma has the adventure of a lifetime when her Belgian innkeeper introduces her to renowned chocolatier, Luc Simon. Luc and his fellow chocolatiers are in the midst of a competition to create the most romantic chocolate in Belgium for the upcoming Belgian royal wedding. He discovers her kitchen skills and soon she's immersed in the competition and a budding romance develops.

New York City based food stylist Emma Colvin is averse to risk, except when it comes to her favorite activity of baking cupcakes, where she will experiment with not always thought of flavor combinations, her intuition and palate in this regard almost always right. That aversion to risk is why she has planned out every step of her and her boyfriend Todd's upcoming pre-Valentine's romantic getaway to Bruges, much on a couple's package arranged through Marie Gruben, the owner/operator of Chateau Astrid, the boutique family-run hotel where they will be staying. The choice of Bruges is because her grandparents' fairy-tale romance began there, she, in possession of many of their romance mementos, wanting to visit many of the specific places associated with their romance, especially the Royal Palace. It is also in knowing that aversion to risk that Todd, in not only letting her know that he can no longer go on the trip but that he is breaking up with her in moving to Albany for work, doesn't even ask her to move with him in knowing what her answer would be. Against her nature, Emma decides to go to Bruges on her own anyway. Emma's trip hits another setback when she learns from Marie upon her arrival that the Royal Palace will be closed for the duration of her stay because of the upcoming royal wedding of Prince Frederic and the soon to be Princess Annabelle. Emma believes she's stumbled upon a way to make it into the Palace with the Prince and future Princess holding a competition among the local chocolatiers to create a special confection to commemorate their marriage, the chocolatiers who will present their confections in person at the Palace, with the announcement of the winner made at a royal gala at the Palace on Valentine's Day. Knowing that he temporarily needs an extra pair of hands leading up to the competition, Emma offers her "hands" to Marie's friend, Luc Simon, a second generation chocolatier in return for he allowing her to accompany him to the Palace for the presentation. Her offer and his acceptance are despite they knowing their differences which are only highlighted in working together: while he is an expert in chocolate, he does not like to venture far outside the tried and true flavors, she who believes he has to think outside his comfort zone in that respect to win the competition. Although they have difficulties in coming up with that sublime confection a step above anything ever produced even in Luc slowly opening up to the possibilities, they individually come to the realization that they are a good partnership which has the possibility to spill over into their personal lives. Beyond whether Emma is willing to take a risk in Luc on a personal level, their burgeoning relationship is threatened by Max Van Dender, Luc's fellow chocolatier, the two who have been in competition with each other their entire lives. Max is not only interested in Emma himself, but he wants to buy Luc out, Max's trendy shop which is pulling in the customers while Luc's is not, Luc, who has not told Emma the situation, holding out in the remote possibility of winning the competition to be able to keep his struggling shop afloat.

Synopsis Love, Romance & Chocolate (2019)

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